Class EventSimSystemModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EventSimSystemModel
    extends Object
    implements ISystem
    The simulation model. This is the central class of an EventSim simulation run. Before the simulation starts, it initialises the simulation in the init() method. During the simulation, it provides information about the PCM model that is to be simulated, the simulation configuration and the simulation status. Finally, it cleans up after a simulation run in the {finalise()} method.

    Instances are created by using the static create method that builds the simulation model in accordance with a specified simulation configuration.

    • Method Detail

      • callService

        public void callService​(IUser user,
                                org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.EntryLevelSystemCall call,
                                Procedure callback)
        Handles the simulation of a service call. Service calls are usually generated by a workload simulation component.
        Specified by:
        callService in interface ISystem
        user - The user which initiated the call
        call - The called service in form of a PCM entry level system call action
        callback - the callback to be invoked once the system call has been simulated completely
      • getComponent

        public ComponentInstance getComponent​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.composition.AssemblyContext assemblyContext)
        Returns the component instance that is encapsulated by the specified assembly context.
        assemblyContext - the assembly context
        the queried component instance