Class SelectRepositoryWizardPage

    • Field Detail

      • txtRepository

        protected Text txtRepository
        Text field for the repository URI.
      • selection

        protected IStructuredSelection selection
        The selection used to determine the repository.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectRepositoryWizardPage

        public SelectRepositoryWizardPage​(String pageName)
        Creates a new page.
        pageName - Name of the page.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(IStructuredSelection selection)
        Initializes the page.
        selection - Preselected repository file.
      • getRepositoryFileUri

        public String getRepositoryFileUri()
        EMF-parsable URI of the selected repository file.
      • validate

        protected void validate()
        Validates the input on this pages and set the status accordingly.