CreateBlackboardPartitionJob |
CreatePluginProjectJob |
Creates an Eclipse plug-in project with default folders for source code and
CreateWorkingCopyOfModelsJob |
Job to create a working copy of the models to simulate.
EventsTransformationJob |
Workflow job to transform the event related model elements to classic pcm model elements
LoadMiddlewareConfigurationIntoBlackboardJob |
LoadModelIntoBlackboardJob |
LoadPCMModelsIntoBlackboardJob |
A job to be used in the SDQ workflow engine which fully loads a PCM model instance into different
MDSDBlackboard partitions.
LoadPCMModelsJob |
Loads the PCM models given in the configuration into a MDSD blackboard and store the models in a
temporary eclipse project.
LoadSharedPCMLibrariesIntoBlackboard |
PCMWorkflowJobBuilder |
PreparePCMBlackboardPartitionJob |
Creates and fills the PCM model partition.
ResolveAllModelsOfPartitionJob |
StoreAllPCMModelsJob |
Job to store the loaded PCM models.
ValidatePCMModelsJob |
A job for running model validation checks.