All Superinterfaces:
EObject, Notifier
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AllocationServiceResultImpl, ServiceResultImpl

public interface ServiceResult extends EObject
A representation of the model object 'Service Result'. Performance results of one service. The context of the resulst is defined by the concrete subclasses (e.g. service result per AllocationContext, etc.)

The following features are supported:

See Also:
Generated class or method.
EMF model class or method.
  • Method Details

    • getMeanResponseTime

      double getMeanResponseTime()
      Returns the value of the 'Mean Response Time' attribute.

      If the meaning of the 'Mean Response Time' attribute isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

      the value of the 'Mean Response Time' attribute.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      EMF model class or method.
      required="true" ordered="false"
    • setMeanResponseTime

      void setMeanResponseTime(double value)
      Sets the value of the ' Mean Response Time' attribute.
      value - the new value of the 'Mean Response Time' attribute.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getThroughput

      double getThroughput()
      Returns the value of the 'Throughput' attribute.

      If the meaning of the 'Throughput' attribute isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

      the value of the 'Throughput' attribute.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      EMF model class or method.
      required="true" ordered="false"
    • setThroughput

      void setThroughput(double value)
      Sets the value of the ' Throughput' attribute.
      value - the new value of the 'Throughput' attribute.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
    • getServiceEffectSpecification_ServiceResult

      org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ServiceEffectSpecification getServiceEffectSpecification_ServiceResult()
      Returns the value of the 'Service Effect Specification Service Result' reference.

      If the meaning of the 'Service Effect Specification Service Result' reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

      the value of the 'Service Effect Specification Service Result' reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.
      EMF model class or method.
      required="true" ordered="false"
    • setServiceEffectSpecification_ServiceResult

      void setServiceEffectSpecification_ServiceResult(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ServiceEffectSpecification value)
      Sets the value of the ' Service Effect Specification Service Result' reference.
      value - the new value of the 'Service Effect Specification Service Result' reference.
      See Also:
      Generated class or method.