Package org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.configurations
package org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.configurations
ClassDescriptionBase class of workflow configuration objects where the corresponding workflow transforms PCM models into some kind of codeAbstractPCMLaunchConfigurationDelegate<WorkflowConfigurationType extends AbstractPCMWorkflowRunConfiguration>Base class for workflow based launch configurations (i.e., Eclipse Run and Debug tasks) which sets up a blackboard containing PCM and other models (e.g., annotation mark models), a UI based run (i.e., a run which reports errors to its user by the means of Eclipse UI Dialogs), and which configures openArchitectureWare's logging to report to this runs console.Base class of workflow configuration objects where the workflow has to deal with a PCM model instance.Builder class which is able to fill the PCM specific parts of a workflow configuration object based on the PCM filename configuration tab entries.