Interface IJMethod

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IJMethod
    TODO: Common IJMember for Method and Field.
    • Method Detail

      • returnType

        String returnType()
        The name of the return type of this method. Default value is VOID.
      • name

        String name()
        The name of the method.
      • parameters

        String parameters()
        The flattened parameter list as a string.
      • throwsType

        String throwsType()
        The throw statement.
      • body

        String body()
        Code of the method as a string. If not set, the method will be treated as abstract.
      • visibilityModifier

        String visibilityModifier()
        The visibility modifier of this method. Default value is PUBLIC.
      • staticModifier

        String staticModifier()
        The static modifier. TODO: Move up.
      • isStatic

        boolean isStatic()
      • methodAnnotation

        String methodAnnotation()