Class SystemResourcesUtil

  • public final class SystemResourcesUtil
    extends Object
    Helper class for monitoring system resources.
    • Field Detail

      • TEMP_DIR

        public static final File TEMP_DIR
        This systems' temp directory. Due to inconsistencies between different systems a file separator is added.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemResourcesUtil

        public SystemResourcesUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getTotalPhysicalMemorySize

        public static long getTotalPhysicalMemorySize()
        Returns the total size of the physical memory in bytes.
        total memory in bytes
      • getFreePhysicalMemorySize

        public static long getFreePhysicalMemorySize()
        Returns the free physical memory in bytes.
        free memory in bytes
      • getFreeTempDirectorySize

        public static long getFreeTempDirectorySize()
        Returns the free space of the temp directory
        free space in bytes
      • getCPUCores

        public static int getCPUCores()
        Returns the number of CPU cores.
        CPU cores
      • getCPUProcessTimeNS

        public static double getCPUProcessTimeNS()
        Returns the CPU time used by this JVM
        CPU usage in nanoseconds
      • getCPUProcessTime

        public static org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Duration> getCPUProcessTime()
        Returns the CPU time used by this JVM
        CPU usage as a JScience object