Class JseSystem

  • public class JseSystem
    extends XSystem
    An System translates into the following Java compilation units:
    • a class used to setup the assembly (a System is a Composed Structure),
    • an interface for this component's class,
    • a context class for assembly (basically unused, can be removed?),
    • an interface for the context class,
    • a class for each component's port, used by the Usage Scenario. TODO: Move to traverse
    • Constructor Detail

      • JseSystem

        public JseSystem()
    • Method Detail

      • generate

        public void generate()
        Description copied from class: PcmRepresentative
        Generate the files needed for this entity. Nothing is generated in the default case.
        generate in class PcmRepresentative<org.palladiosimulator.pcm.system.System>