Class CommonConfigurationModule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    JeeConfigurationModule, JeeServletConfigurationModule, JseConfigurationModule, JseStubConfigurationModule

    public class CommonConfigurationModule
    Common binding for Google Guice. It includes every binding needed by FileSystemAccess (which cannot be configured otherwise). Thomas: Don't mind the SuppressWarnings... Sebastian: All bindings where currently copied from the link below to establish xtext 2.5.3 compatibility (we came from 2.4.0). We should investigate what's the optimal way to resolve these bindings. TODO See comment by Sebastian.
    See Also:
    :// src/org/eclipse/xtext/ui/shared/internal/
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonConfigurationModule

        public CommonConfigurationModule()
    • Method Detail

      • getProjectURI

        public String getProjectURI()
      • setProjectURI

        public void setProjectURI​(String projectURI)
      • configure

        protected void configure()
        configure in class