Class ImpactAnalysisFailureProbabilityAggregation


public class ImpactAnalysisFailureProbabilityAggregation extends Object
Class used for aggregation of failure probabilities according to an entity. An entity may be a component's ID, a component's interface ID, a component's signature ID, etc.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImpactAnalysisFailureProbabilityAggregation

      public ImpactAnalysisFailureProbabilityAggregation(ImpactAnalysisFailureType failureAggregationType, List<String> entityIdentifiers, List<String> entityNameParts, double failureProbability)
      Creates a new failure probability aggregation instance.
      failureAggregationType - the failure probability aggregation type of the entity
      entityIdentifiers - the entity's identification strings list
      entityNameParts - the entity's name parts; the entity's name is made up of its single parts
      failureProbability - the failure probability of the entity
  • Method Details

    • addToFailureProbabilityBy

      public void addToFailureProbabilityBy(double failureProbability)
      Adds to the current entity's aggregated failure probability additional failure probability.
      failureProbability - the failure probability to be added to the existing one
    • compareToIdentifier

      public boolean compareToIdentifier(ImpactAnalysisFailureType otherEntityType, List<String> otherEntityIdentifiers)
      Compares this instance's failure probability aggregation type and identification strings List to the given type and identification strings, respectively.
      otherEntityType - the other entity's failure probability aggregation type
      otherEntityIdentifiers - the other entitity's identification strings List
      true, if both types and identification strings match each other, false otherwise
    • getEntityIdentifiers

      public List<String> getEntityIdentifiers()
      Retrieves the identification strings List of the entity.
      the identification strings List
    • getEntityNameParts

      public List<String> getEntityNameParts()
      Retrieves the name parts of the entity. The entity's name is made up of its single parts.
      the name parts of the entity
    • getFailureProbability

      public double getFailureProbability()
      Retrieves the entity's aggregated failure probability.
      the entity's aggregated failure probability
    • getType

      public ImpactAnalysisFailureType getType()
      Returns the failure probability aggregation type.
      the failure probability aggregation type
    • setEntityIdentifiers

      public void setEntityIdentifiers(List<String> entityIdentifiers)
      Sets the identification strings List of the entity.
      entityIdentifier - the identification strings List
    • setEntityNameParts

      public void setEntityNameParts(List<String> entityNameParts)
      Sets the name parts of the entity. The entity's name is made up of its single parts.
      entityNameParts - the name parts of the entity
    • setFailureProbability

      public void setFailureProbability(double failureProbability)
      Sets the entity's aggregated failure probability.
      failureProbability - the entity's aggregated failure probability
    • setType

      public void setType(ImpactAnalysisFailureType failureAggregationType)
      Sets the failure probability aggregation type.
      failureAggregationType - the failure probability aggregation type