Class MarkovTransformationResult


public class MarkovTransformationResult extends Object
Aggregates the results of a PCM2MarkovTransformation.
  • Constructor Details

    • MarkovTransformationResult

      public MarkovTransformationResult(org.palladiosimulator.solver.core.runconfig.PCMSolverWorkflowRunConfiguration configuration, MarkovTransformationSource markovSource, org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.UsageScenario scenario, List<MarkovFailureType> failureTypes)
      Creates a new Markov results aggregator.
      configuration - configuration options of the transformation
      markovSource - the Markov state holder
      scenario - the usage scenario to evaluate
      failureTypes - the list of potential failure types
  • Method Details

    • addPhysicalStateResults

      public void addPhysicalStateResults(MarkovChain resultChain, double[][] markovProbabilityMatrix, double physicalStateProbability)
      Adds the results of the evaluation of a single physical system state during the PCM2Markov transformation.
      resultChain - the Markov chain resulting from the evaluation of the physical system state
      markovProbabilityMatrix - the matrix with the probabilities to get from state i to state j in the Markov chain
      physicalStateProbability - the probability of the evaluated physical system state to occur
    • getCumulatedFailureTypeProbabilities

      public Map<MarkovFailureType,Double> getCumulatedFailureTypeProbabilities()
      Gets the overall failure type probabilities, accumulated over all considered physical system states.
      the overall failure type probabilities
    • getCumulatedPhysicalStateProbability

      public double getCumulatedPhysicalStateProbability()
      Gets the overall physical state probability, accumulated over all considered physical system states.
      the overall physical state probability
    • getNumberOfPhysicalSystemStates

      public long getNumberOfPhysicalSystemStates()
      Retrieves the number of physical system states.
      the number of physical system states
    • getPhysicalStateEvaluationCount

      public long getPhysicalStateEvaluationCount()
      Retrieves the current number of evaluated physical system states.
      the current number of evaluated physical system states
    • getResultChain

      public MarkovChain getResultChain()
      Retrieves the Markov chain that results from the transformation.
      the Markov chain that results from the transformation
    • getScenario

      public org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.UsageScenario getScenario()
      Gets the usage scenario which has been evaluated
      the usage scenario
    • getSuccessProbability

      public double getSuccessProbability()
      Retrieves the overall success probability.
      the success probability
    • hasRequiredAccuracy

      public boolean hasRequiredAccuracy(int requiredAccuracy)
      Determines if the calculated success probability conforms to a given required accuracy.
      requiredAccuracy - the required accuracy in decimal places
      true if the required accuracy has been reached
    • isDoApproximate

      public boolean isDoApproximate()
      Indicates if an approximation scheme shall be used for printing of probabilities.
      true, if an approximation scheme shall be used for printing probabilities, false otherwise.
    • setApproximate

      public void setApproximate(boolean approximate)
      Method for setting a value responsible for telling if an approximation scheme shall be used for printing probabilities.
      approximate - the value indicating if an approximation scheme shall be used for printing probabilities