Class InternalActionSensitivity

  • public class InternalActionSensitivity
    extends MarkovSensitivity
    This class provides rudimentary support for sensitivity analysis of an internal action failure probability. Further refactorings required.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InternalActionSensitivity

        public InternalActionSensitivity​(String name,
                                         String internalActionId,
                                         String failureTypeId,
                                         DoubleParameterVariation variation)
        The constructor.
        name - the name of the sensitivity analysis
        internalActionId - the id of the internal action to alter
        failureTypeId - the id of the failure type to alter
        variation - the parameter variation
    • Method Detail

      • alterModel

        protected boolean alterModel()
        Alters the model according to the next sensitivity analysis step.
        Specified by:
        alterModel in class MarkovSensitivity
        indicates if the model could be successfully altered