Class MarkovTransformationSource

  • public class MarkovTransformationSource
    extends Object
    Holds state information required during the PCM2Markov transformation. Holds a PCM instance as basis for the transformation, and keeps track of the physical system states (i.e., states of processing resources) that are considered during the transformation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarkovTransformationSource

        public MarkovTransformationSource​(org.palladiosimulator.solver.models.PCMInstance model,
                                          boolean sortDescriptors)
        Initializes a PCMInformationProvider and creates the corresponding resource descriptors.
        model - the PCM instance
        sortDescriptors - indicates if the list of resource descriptors shall be sorted
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public ProcessingResourceDescriptor getDescriptor​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.seff_performance.ParametricResourceDemand demand,
                                                          org.palladiosimulator.solver.transformations.ContextWrapper contextWrapper)
        Retrieves a resource descriptor corresponding to the given resource demand.
        demand - the resource demand
        contextWrapper - a contextWrapper providing a link to the actual resource
        the descriptor; NULL if no corresponding descriptor could be found
      • getDescriptor

        public ProcessingResourceDescriptor getDescriptor​(org.palladiosimulator.pcm.resourceenvironment.ProcessingResourceSpecification resource)
        Retrieves a resource descriptor corresponding to the given processing resource specification.
        resource - the processing resource specification
        the descriptor; NULL if no corresponding descriptor could be found
      • getModel

        public org.palladiosimulator.solver.models.PCMInstance getModel()
        Retrieves the PCM instance.
        the PCM instance
      • getUnreliableResourceDescriptors

        public List<ProcessingResourceDescriptor> getUnreliableResourceDescriptors()
        Returns a list of resource descriptors whose resources can fail, i.e., whose N/A state probability is greater than 0.
        the list of resource descriptors whose resources can fail, i.e., whose N/A state probability is greater than 0
      • printCurrentResourceStates

        public void printCurrentResourceStates()
        Prints the current permutation for debugging purposes.
        descriptors - the list of resource descriptors