Class MarkovReportItem

  • public class MarkovReportItem
    extends Object
    Generates abstract tables based on the data of a reliability analysis of a given scenario. The data encapsulated in this class can be used for later output.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarkovReportItem

        public MarkovReportItem​(String scenarioName,
                                String scenarioId,
                                String successProbabilityAsString)
        Generates a new Markov report item, initialized with a scenario name, the scenario's ID and the success probability of the scenario as String.
        scenarioName - the name of the scenario
        scenarioId - the ID of the scenario
        successProbabilityAsString - the success probability of the scenario as String
    • Method Detail

      • addFailureModeTable

        public void addFailureModeTable​(MarkovReportingTable failureModeTable)
        Adds a table to the list of failure mode tables.
        failureModeTable - the table
      • addImpactAnalysisTable

        public void addImpactAnalysisTable​(MarkovReportingTable impactAnalysisTable)
        Adds a table to the list of failure mode tables.
        impactAnalysisTable - the table
      • getFailureModeTables

        public List<MarkovReportingTable> getFailureModeTables()
        Returns all failure mode tables in the list.
        all tables
      • getImpactAnalysisTables

        public List<MarkovReportingTable> getImpactAnalysisTables()
        Returns all impact analysis tables in the list.
        all tables
      • getScenarioId

        public String getScenarioId()
        Gets the scenario's ID.
        the scenario's ID
      • getScenarioName

        public String getScenarioName()
        Gets the scenario's name.
        the scenario's name
      • getSuccessProbabilityString

        public String getSuccessProbabilityString()
        Gets the scenario's success probability.
      • setScenarioId

        public void setScenarioId​(String scenarioId)
        Sets the scenario's ID.
        scenarioId - the scenario's ID
      • setScenarioName

        public void setScenarioName​(String scenarioName)
        Sets the scenario's name.
        scenarioName - the scenario's name