
public class MarkovBuilder extends Object
This class provides methods for building Markov Chains.
  • Constructor Details

    • MarkovBuilder

      public MarkovBuilder(boolean recordTraces)
      The constructor.
      recordTraces - controls if traces shall be recorded during transformation
  • Method Details

    • appendFailureHandlingMarkovChain

      public void appendFailureHandlingMarkovChain(MarkovChain aggregateChain, MarkovChain handlingChain, List<String> handledFailureTypeIds, boolean optimize)
      Incorporates one Markov Chain into another. The specific Markov Chain is inserted into the aggregate Markov Chain replacing the failure state.
      aggregateChain - the Markov Chain which will incorporate the other chain
      handlingChain - the Markov Chain which will be incorporated into the other chain
      handledFailureTypeIds - the list of handled failure types
      optimize - indicates if Markov Chain reduction shall be performed during the transformation
    • appendFailureHandlingMarkovChains

      public void appendFailureHandlingMarkovChains(MarkovChain aggregateChain, List<MarkovChain> handlingChains, List<List<String>> handledFailureTypeIdLists, boolean optimize)
      Incorporates multiple Markov Chains into one aggregate chain. The specific Markov Chains are inserted into the aggregate Markov Chain replacing the failure states.
      aggregateChain - the Markov Chain which will incorporate the other chains
      handlingChains - the Markov Chains which will be incorporated into the other chain
      handledFailureTypeIdLists - the list of handled failure types per chain
      optimize - indicates if Markov Chain reduction shall be performed during the transformation
    • copyMarkovChain

      public MarkovChain copyMarkovChain(MarkovChain originalMarkovChain)
      Creates a copy of a Markov Chain. All States and Transitions of the original Markov Chain are copied into the new one.
      originalMarkovChain - the original Markov Chain
      the new Markov Chain
    • getFailureStates

      public List<State> getFailureStates(MarkovChain markovChain)
      Gets all failure states out of a given Markov chain.
      markovChain - the Markov chain
      the list of failure states
    • getFailureTypeId

      public String getFailureTypeId(State state)
      Gets the failure type annotation of a Markov failure state.
      state - the state to examine
      the failure type annotation of the state
    • getFailureTypeName

      public String getFailureTypeName(State state)
      Gets the failure type annotation of a Markov failure state.
      state - the state to examine
      the failure type annotation of the state
    • getStartState

      public State getStartState(MarkovChain markovChain)
      Gets the start state out of a given Markov chain.
      markovChain - the Markov chain
      the start state
    • getSuccessState

      public State getSuccessState(MarkovChain markovChain)
      Gets the success state out of a given Markov chain.
      markovChain - the Markov Chain
      the Success State
    • incorporateMarkovChain

      public void incorporateMarkovChain(MarkovChain parentChain, MarkovChain specificMarkovChain, State aggregateState, boolean optimize, boolean appendPrefixes)
      Incorporates one Markov Chain into another. The specific Markov Chain is inserted into the aggregate Markov Chain replacing the given aggregate Markov State.
      parentChain - the Markov Chain which will incorporate the other chain
      specificMarkovChain - the Markov Chain which will be incorporated into the other chain
      aggregateState - the Markov State in the aggregate Markov Chain which will be replaced by the specific Markov Chain
      optimize - indicates if Markov Chain reduction shall be performed during the transformation
      appendPrefixes - indicates if prefixes of specific chain shall be appended to prefixes of aggregateChain
    • indexOf

      public int indexOf(MarkovChain markovChain, State state)
      Retrieves the index of a given State within a given Markov Chain.
      markovChain - the Markov Chain
      state - the state to find
      the required index
    • initBasicMarkovChain

      public MarkovChain initBasicMarkovChain(List<String> prefixes)
      Initializes a new Markov Chain. The new Markov Chain has only three states: a start state, a success state and a failure state. A single transition goes from start to success with probability 1.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the chain name
      the new Markov Chain
    • initBasicMarkovChainWithFailures

      public MarkovChain initBasicMarkovChainWithFailures(List<String> prefixes, List<FailureDescription> failureDescriptions)
      Creates a basic Markov chain with a start, success and multiple failure nodes for a given list of failure descriptions. Such a chain can be used to represent an internal action with its application failure probabilities, or the sending of a message over a communication link. All failure probabilities must sum up to at most 1.0.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the chain name
      failureDescriptions - a list of failure descriptions
      the resulting Markov Chain
    • initBehaviourMarkovChainByAction

      public MarkovChain initBehaviourMarkovChainByAction(List<String> prefixes, List<org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.AbstractAction> actions, List<State> statesOut)
      Creates a Markov Chain that represents an execution of a ScenarioBehaviour or ResourceDemandingBehaviour.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the Markov Chain name
      actions - the actions of the Behaviour
      statesOut - the list of states created within the method that corresponds to the given list of actions
      the resulting Markov Chain
    • initBranchMarkovChain

      public MarkovChain initBranchMarkovChain(List<String> prefixes, ArrayList<Double> branchProbabilities)
      Creates a Markov Chain for a branch with solved branch probabilities.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the branch name
      branchProbabilities - the branch probabilities
      the resulting Markov Chain
    • initForkMarkovChain

      public MarkovChain initForkMarkovChain(List<String> prefixes, ArrayList<org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.ForkedBehaviour> behaviours, ArrayList<State> statesOut)
      Creates a Markov Chain for a fork action with a list of forked behaviours.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the fork name
      behaviours - the list of forked behaviours
      statesOut - the list of states created within the method
      the resulting Markov chain
    • initLoopMarkovChain

      public MarkovChain initLoopMarkovChain(List<String> prefixes, de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction.math.ManagedPMF pmf)
      Creates a Markov Chain for a loop with solved probability mass function.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the loop name
      pmf - the probability mass function of the loop
      the resulting Markov Chain
    • initResourceFailureMarkovChain

      public MarkovChain initResourceFailureMarkovChain(List<String> prefixes, List<FailureDescription> failureDescriptions)
      Creates a Markov chain for an internal action failing with probability 1.0 because of unavailable hardware resources. The failure probability is divided between all unavailable resources.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the chain name
      failureDescriptions - a list of failure descriptions for hardware resources
      the resulting Markov Chain
    • initSequentialMarkovChain

      public MarkovChain initSequentialMarkovChain(List<String> prefixes, List<String> stateNames, List<State> statesOut)
      Creates a Markov Chain that represents a sequential execution path.
      prefixes - the prefixes of the Markov Chain name
      stateNames - the names of the states to create
      statesOut - the list of states created within the method that corresponds to the given list of state names
      the resulting Markov Chain