Class VariableUsageSensitivity


public class VariableUsageSensitivity extends MarkovSensitivity
This class provides rudimentary support for sensitivity analysis of a system call variable usage. Further refactorings required.
  • Constructor Details

    • VariableUsageSensitivity

      public VariableUsageSensitivity(String name, String elementId, String parameterName, org.palladiosimulator.pcm.parameter.VariableCharacterisationType characterisationType, VariableUsageType parameterType, StringParameterSequence sequence)
      The constructor.
      name - the name of the sensitivity analysis
      elementId - the ID of the EntryLevelSystemCall or BasicComponent to alter
      parameterName - the qualified name of the modelled PCM parameter
      characterisationType - the property of the parameter to alter
      parameterType - the type of parameter usage (input parameter for EntryLevelSystemCall or component parameter)
      sequence - the sequence of parameter value specifications
  • Method Details

    • alterModel

      protected boolean alterModel()
      Alters the model according to the next sensitivity analysis step.
      Specified by:
      alterModel in class MarkovSensitivity
      indicates if the model could be successfully altered
    • extractSensitivityInformation

      protected void extractSensitivityInformation()
      Extracts the relevant sensitivity information from the given model.
      Specified by:
      extractSensitivityInformation in class MarkovSensitivity
    • getLogHeadingsMulti

      protected List<List<String>> getLogHeadingsMulti()
      Builds the headings strings for logging.
      Specified by:
      getLogHeadingsMulti in class MarkovSensitivity
      the log headings strings
    • getLogSingleResultsMulti

      protected List<String> getLogSingleResultsMulti()
      Builds the results strings for sensitivity logging.
      Specified by:
      getLogSingleResultsMulti in class MarkovSensitivity
      the results strings