All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractActionDescriptor |
AbstractClientServerConnectorCompletionBuilder |
AbstractComponentBuilder |
Replaces the passed AssemblyConnector with a completion
AbstractCompositeStructureBuilder |
AbstractConnectorCompletionBuilder |
AbstractCreateMetaDataFilesJob |
AbstractInternalActionDescriptor |
AbstractMain |
Base class for simulation instances.
AbstractProbDistFunction |
AbstractScheduledResource |
Base class of all resources which have their own scheduler, i.e., active resources in the PCM.
AbstractSeffBuilder |
AbstractSimuComExtensionJob |
AbstractSimulatedResourceContainer |
Base class for simulated resource container.
AbstractSimulationConfig |
This is the abstract base class for simulation configurations.
AbstractSimulationJob<C extends AbstractSimulationWorkflowConfiguration> |
Abstract job for launching a Palladio simulation.
AbstractSimulationLaunchConfigurationBasedConfigBuilder |
AbstractSimulationWorkflowConfiguration |
AbstractWorkloadUserFactory |
AccuracyAnalysisHelper |
Tools which help to analyze the accuracy influence in the simucomframework.
Action |
A representation of the model object 'Action'.
ActionImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Action'.
Activator |
Activator |
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
ActiveResouce |
A representation of the model object 'Active Resouce'.
ActiveResouceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Active Resouce'.
AllInstancesTransformer<T> |
AllocationWorkflowComponent |
AllocationXpt |
ApplyConnectorCompletionsJob |
AWTLayout |
Superclass for all the AWT layouts ported to SWT.
BasicComponentBuilder |
A builder for creating basic components and their assembly and allocation context.
BasicMiddlewareComponentBuilder |
BinomFunction |
BorderLayout |
Port of AWT BorderLayout to SWT.
BuildPluginJarJob |
BuildXpt |
BytesizeAddingSetVariableActionDescriptor |
Adjust a single variable usage by adding the bytesize characterisations of the current signature
The bytesize information is added to the first bytesize variable characterisation of the passed
BytesizeComputationForSignature |
Responsible for determining a bytesize characterisation string for parameters in a signature.
BytesizeComputationForSignature.Modifier |
BytesizeComputationForSignatureTest |
CalculatorHelper |
Offers static methods to setup different types of calculators for resources like
AbstractScheduledResource and IPassiveResource .
CalculatorsXpt |
CallsXpt |
CeilFunction |
ClosedWorkload |
Class used for executing a closed workload.
ClosedWorkloadUser |
A closed workload user is a user which performs the typical closed workload cycle: execute,
think, execute, ...
ClosedWorkloadUserFactory |
Factory to create closed workload users
CompilePluginCodeJob |
CompletionsXpt |
ComposedStructureXpt |
ConfidenceStopCondition |
Provides a stop condition which determines when to stop based on the confidence interval around a
point estimation (e.g.
ConfigurableMiddlewareCallingConnectorCompletionBuilder |
ConnectorReplacingBuilder |
This builder replaces a given connector with a component built by the given component builder.
Context |
Context of each simulation thread.
ContextPatternXpt |
CoreModule |
CreateProtoComMetaDataFilesJob |
CreateSimuComMetaDataFilesJob |
DataTypesXpt |
DebugObserver |
DelayInnerConnectorCompletionBuilder |
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which adds dummy components on both sides
causing themselfs a CPU demand according to the passed StoEx.
DelayMiddlewareComponentBuilder |
DelegatorClassXpt |
DelegatorComponentSeffBuilder |
A builder which builds identical SEFFs for all services contained in the passed interface.
DemandTooLargeException |
DetermineFailureTypesJob |
Represents a step where the types of all possible failure-on-demand occurrences during the
simulation are determined.
DispatchingSimulationObserver |
DockAddedEvent |
DockBusyEvent |
DockDeletedEvent |
DockEvent |
DockIdleEvent |
DockModel |
This class represents a single Simulation Dock's status.
DockPerformedDebugStepEvent |
DockResumedEvent |
DockSimTimeChangedEvent |
DockSimulationStartedEvent |
DockSimulationTerminatedEvent |
DocksModel |
The dock model class is used to store the central model of the simulation docks.
DockStartedDebugStepEvent |
DockStatusViewer |
DockStatusViewPart |
DockSuspendedEvent |
DummiesXpt |
EvaluationProxy |
ExpDistFunction |
ExperimentRunner |
Helper class to actually perform a simulation run using desmo-j
ExternalCallActionDescriptor |
FailureException |
Represents a failure-on-demand occurrence during the simulation.
FeatureOptionsTab |
The class defines a tab, where the specific characteristics for the simulation can be set.
FeatureUtils |
ForkContext |
Context for forked behaviours
ForkedBehaviourProcess |
Base class for ForkBehaviours.
ForkExecutor |
Helper to execute a fork action in the PCM.
FunctionLib |
Function library of functions available in stoex in simucom
FunctionParametersNotAcceptedException |
FunctionUnknownException |
GammaDistFunction |
Gamma distribution with shape alpha > 0 and scale parameter theta > 0 There is another way to
write the gamma function with k = alpha or rate parameter beta = 1/theta,
GammaDistFunctionFromMoments |
Gamma distribution with shape alpha > 0 and inverse scale parameter beta > 0 There is another way
to write the gamma function with k = alpha and theta = 1/beta,
GeneratedProjectChooseSimulationTab |
The tab in the rerun simulation configuration that shows the generated project and its models
HashMapAssemblyAllocationLookup<AllocationType> |
Provides a simple implementation of the interface based on HashMap.
HDDResource |
Active resource representing a HDD resource with separate processing rate for write and read
speed in Bytes.
Helper |
IAssemblyAllocationLookup<AllocationType> |
Through the IAssemblyAllocationLookup interface it is possible to access the current allocations
of assembly contexts to resource containers.
IBuilder |
Interface of a class which creates or changes model elements.
ICancellableWorkloadDriver |
Extension of the Workload Driver Interface with capabilities to stop a workload
driver from executing a usage scenario.
IClientServerConnectorCompletionComponentBuilder |
Interface callable for a builder after running its build method to retrieve the created objects
IClosedWorkloadUserFactory |
Interface for factories creating closed workload users.
IComponentBuilder |
IDebugListener |
TODO currently, the simucontroller.debug package is exported.
IDemandListener |
IFunction |
Interface for functions available in stochastic expression evaluation, like Norm, Trunc, etc.
IMiddlewareInteractingComponentBuilder |
InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder |
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which adds dummy components on both sides
doing nothing else than delegating the call to the next component in the chain
IOverallUtilizationListener |
IResourceContainerFactory |
Interface for factories used to instanciate simulated resources in a execution environment
IScenarioRunner |
Interface which encapsulates a behaviour.
ISeffBuilder |
ISignatureDependentAction |
ISimulatedModelEntityAccess<ModelEntity extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier,SimulatedModelEntityType> |
Through the ISimulatedModelEntityAccess interface it is possible to access
the current simulation entity responsible for a particular entity of the
ISimulationControl |
Control interface for simulation frameworks.
ISimulationListener |
IStateListener |
IStatusObserver |
Interface for observers interested in the progress of the simulation
IUser |
Interface implemented by all users.
IUserFactory |
Interface for factories creating users, aka as Borg maturation chambers.
IWorkloadDriver |
Interface for all workload drivers.
JarBuilder |
JavaCoreXpt |
JavaNamesExt |
LocalCommunicationComponentBuilder |
Generates a BasicComponent which determines and loads the underlying network resource with the
message's size of the message to transmit.
LogFunction |
LogNormDistFunction |
Lognormal distribution with parameters scale parameter mu and shape parameter sigma > 0.
LogNormDistFunctionFromMoments |
Lognormal distribution from the distributions moments: Parameters mean and standard deviation.
M2TFileSystemAccess |
MarshallerComponentSeffBuilder |
MarshallingComponentBuilder |
MarshallingComponentBuilder.MarshallerSide |
MarshallingConnectorCompletionBuilder |
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which adds the impact of marshalling
MaxDeviationFunction |
Calculates the maximal of a value and given absolute and relative deviations.
MaxFunction |
Implements the maximum function as in @link Math , e.g.
MaxMeasurementsStopCondition |
Stop condition for the maximum amount of measurements on SimuCom's main response time sensor.
MiddlewareCallingComponentBuilder |
MiddlewareComponentSeffBuilder |
MinDeviationFunction |
Calculates the minimum of a value and given absolute and relative deviations.
MinFunction |
Implements the minimum function as in @link Math , e.g.
NegativeDemandIssuedException |
NetworkLoadingComponentBuilder |
Generates a BasicComponent which determines and loads the underlying network resource with the
message's size of the message to transmit.
NormDistFunction |
NumberConverter |
Helper class for basic type conversions
NumberOfElementsComputationForSignature |
OpenWorkload |
Implementation of the workload driver interface for open workloads
OpenWorkloadUser |
Base class for open workload users.
OpenWorkloadUserFactory |
A factory for creating open workload users
PairwiseMiddlewareInteractingInnerConnectorCompletionBuilder |
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which calls a process service on the client
side, forwards the message, calls deprocess on the server side, and does the same in reverse
order for the reply
PassiveResource |
A representation of the model object 'Passive Resource'.
PassiveResourceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Passive Resource'.
PassiveResourceTimeoutEvent |
This event indicates a timeout of a process waiting at a passive resource.
PCMAndCompletionModelHolder |
PCMext |
PCMModelHolder |
PCMProbfunctionEvaluationVisitor |
Visitor to visit probfunctions and evaluate them to return a sample
PCMStoExEvaluationVisitor |
Visitor to evaluate stoex.
PoissonDistFunction |
ProbFunctionCache |
A cache for Probability Functions.
Process |
A representation of the model object 'Process'.
ProcessActionPrintVisitor |
ProcessImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process'.
ProjectFilterPattern |
This class represents a specific project de.uka.ipd.sdq.simucom.rerunsimulation.filter for file
ProvidedPortsXpt |
RecorderAttachingCalculatorFactoryDecorator |
Factory class to create @see Calculator s used in a SimuCom simulation run.
ReliabilitySensorHelper |
This class provides auxiliary functionality for capturing reliability-relevant sensor data during
the simulation.
RepositoryXpt |
RerunSimuComConfigurationTab |
This tab is basically the same tab as SimuComConfigurationTab.
RerunSimuComWorkflowConfiguration |
Configuration class for the rerun simulation plug-in.
RerunSimuComWorkflowLauncher |
Starts the RerunSimulaionWorkflowLauncher instead of the workflow launcher that is started in the
RerunSimulationJob |
Every job that is needed for rerunning a simulation is added in this class
RerunSimulationTabGroup |
The tab group for the rerun simulation
RerunSimulationWorkflowLauncher |
This class creates the RerunSimulationJob which is needed for rerunning the simulation without
having to delete the original data
ResourceContainerIsMissingRequiredResourceType |
ResourceContainerNotFound |
ResourceFailedEvent |
Represents a failure of an AbstractScheduledResource.
ResourceRegistry |
Central registry for simulated resources (resource containers, linking resources).
ResourceRepairedEvent |
Represents a repair of an AbstractScheduledResource after a failure.
ResourcesXpt |
RoundFunction |
ScheduledResource |
SchedulerReturnedNegativeTimeException |
SchedulingStrategy |
SEFFBodyXpt |
SensitivityAnalysisJob |
SensorsExt |
SensorsXpt |
SetVariableActionDescriptor |
SignatureDependentExternalCallActionDescriptor |
SignatureDependentInternalActionDescriptor |
SimAccuracyInfluenceExt |
SimAccuracyXpt |
SimAllocationXpt |
SimCalculatorsXpt |
SimCallsXpt |
SimComposedStructureXpt |
SimContextPatternXpt |
SimDummiesXpt |
SimJavaCoreXpt |
SimMeasuringPointExt |
SimProvidedPortsXpt |
SimRepositoryXpt |
SimResourcesXpt |
SimSEFFBodyXpt |
SimSensorsXpt |
SimSimpleFairPassiveResource |
Simulates a simple passive resource.
SimuComConfig |
SimuComConfigExtension |
SimuComConfigurationTab |
The class defines a tab, which is responsible for the SimuCom configuration.
SimuComContext |
Context of each thread in SimuCom simulation.
SimuComDefaultRandomNumberGenerator |
SimuComDefaultRandomNumberGenerator generates random numbers in a separate thread.
SimuComEntity |
SimuComExtensionConfigurationBuilder |
Provides an abstract class for which an implementation has to be provided by a SimuCom extension.
SimuComExtensionResource |
SimuComFactory |
Factory for creating simulation objects.
SimuComJob |
Main job for the SDQ workflow engine which will run a SimuComSimulation
SimuComLaunchConfigurationBasedConfigBuilder |
SimuComModel |
Central simulation class needed by desmoj.
SimuComModule |
SimuComNature |
Class for the SimuCom Project Nature.
SimuComProcessDebugThread |
SimuComSimProcess |
SimuComStatus |
A representation of the model object 'Simu Com Status'.
SimucomstatusAdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
SimucomstatusFactory |
The Factory for the model.
SimucomstatusFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
SimuComStatusImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simu Com Status'.
SimucomstatusPackage |
The Package for the model.
SimucomstatusPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
SimucomstatusPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
SimucomstatusSwitch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
SimuComWorkflowConfiguration |
SimuComWorkflowJobBuilder |
Builder for SimuComJobs.
SimuComWorkflowLauncher |
The class adapts defined functionality in the AbstractMDSDLaunchConfigurationDelegate for SimuCom
SimuConfigurationTab |
The class extends ConfigurationTab by CheckBox.
SimuControllerImages |
The class is used for the administration the images stored in the Plug-In.
SimuControllerPlugin |
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
SimulatedLinkingResource |
Realizes a LinkingResource.
SimulatedLinkingResourceContainer |
TODO Add original author
SimulatedProcesses |
A representation of the model object 'Simulated Processes
SimulatedProcessesImpl |
An implementation of the model object '
Simulated Processes'.
SimulatedResourceContainer |
TODO Get rid of heavy argument passing.
SimulatedResources |
A representation of the model object 'Simulated Resources
SimulatedResourcesImpl |
An implementation of the model object '
Simulated Resources'.
SimulatedStack<T> |
A simulated stack used by simulation threads to store their local variables during their
SimulatedStackframe<T> |
SimulationDebugElement |
SimulationDebugListener |
An implementation of the IDebugListener interface that...
SimulationDebugTarget |
Class to support SimuCom debugging interactions
SimulationDebugThread |
SimulationDockService |
SimulationDockServiceImpl |
SimulationPreferenceInitialiser |
SimulationPreferencePage |
The preference page for the abstract simulation engine.
SimulationPreferencesHelper |
SimulationProgressReportingObserver |
SimulationResult |
Status enum signaling simulation success or failure
SimulationWorkflowLauncher |
SimulatorExtensionHelper |
Helper class for the extension point de.uka.ipd.sdq.codegen.simucontroller.simulator
("Palladio Simulator").
SimUsageFactoryXpt |
SimUsageXpt |
SimUserActionsXpt |
SimuTabGroup |
The class defines tabs for the SimuBench Launch configuration menu.
SqrtFunction |
StackContext |
StackContext is the parent of all contexts.
StaticInternalActionDescriptor |
StochasticExpressionEvaluationFailedException |
StoExCache |
A cache for Stoex.
StoExCacheEntry |
SystemWorkflowComponent |
SystemXpt |
TakeCurrentSimulationTimeProbe |
Measures a point in time metric (in seconds) by requesting the current simulation time from the
simulation controller (observed state object).
TakeNumberOfResourceContainersProbe |
Probes the number of resource containers within a resource environment.
TakePassiveResourceStateProbe |
Measures a passive resource state metric (dimensionless) by calculating the difference between
the capacity of the passive resource (observed state object) and its available resources.
TakeScheduledResourceDemandProbe |
Measures a resource demand metric (in seconds) by listening to demands to a scheduled resource
(event source type).
TakeScheduledResourceStateProbe |
Measures a CPU state metric (dimensionless) by requesting the queue length from the scheduled CPU
resource (observed state object).
TakeScheduledResourceUtilization |
Measures the CPU utilization (dimensionless) by requesting the queue length
from the scheduled CPU resource (observed state object) for all cores
normalized by the number of cores.
ThroughputZeroOrNegativeException |
TransferSimulationBundleToDock |
Installs a Plug-In from the specified location string with use a bundles context.The context is
used to grant access to other methods so that this bundle can interact with the Framework.
TransformPCMForSensitivityAnalysisJob |
TransformPCMToCodeJob |
Start the Workflow-Engine of oAW - Generator
TruncFunction |
TypesCountingVisitor |
TypesIncompatibleInComparisionException |
TypesIncompatibleInProductException |
TypesIncompatibleInTermException |
UniDoubleDistFunction |
UniIntDistFunction |
UsageModelWorkflowComponent |
UsageXpt |
UserActionsXpt |
UserData |
ValueNotInFrameException |
VariableMode |
Modes for evaluating stochastic expressions.
WaitForAcquire |
A representation of the model object 'Wait For Acquire'.
WaitForAcquireImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Wait For Acquire'.
WaitForDelay |
A representation of the model object 'Wait For Delay'.
WaitForDelayImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Wait For Delay'.
WaitForDemand |
A representation of the model object 'Wait For Demand'.
WaitForDemandImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Wait For Demand'.
WorkflowHooks |
XtendTransformPCMToCodeJob |
Start the Workflow-Engine of oAW - Generator
XtendTransformPCMToCodeJobRerun |
Start the Workflow-Engine of oAW - Generator.