All Classes and Interfaces

Replaces the passed AssemblyConnector with a completion
Base class for simulation instances.
Base class of all resources which have their own scheduler, i.e., active resources in the PCM.
Base class for simulated resource container.
This is the abstract base class for simulation configurations.
Abstract job for launching a Palladio simulation.
Tools which help to analyze the accuracy influence in the simucomframework.
A representation of the model object 'Action'.
An implementation of the model object 'Action'.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
A representation of the model object 'Active Resouce'.
An implementation of the model object 'Active Resouce'.
Superclass for all the AWT layouts ported to SWT.
A builder for creating basic components and their assembly and allocation context.
Port of AWT BorderLayout to SWT.
Adjust a single variable usage by adding the bytesize characterisations of the current signature The bytesize information is added to the first bytesize variable characterisation of the passed VariableUsage.
Responsible for determining a bytesize characterisation string for parameters in a signature.
Offers static methods to setup different types of calculators for resources like AbstractScheduledResource and IPassiveResource.
Class used for executing a closed workload.
A closed workload user is a user which performs the typical closed workload cycle: execute, think, execute, ...
Factory to create closed workload users
Provides a stop condition which determines when to stop based on the confidence interval around a point estimation (e.g.
This builder replaces a given connector with a component built by the given component builder.
Context of each simulation thread.
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which adds dummy components on both sides causing themselfs a CPU demand according to the passed StoEx.
A builder which builds identical SEFFs for all services contained in the passed interface.
A DemandModifyingBehavior has a scalingFactor for the throughput or processingrate of the resource and a value for the delay or latency.
Represents a step where the types of all possible failure-on-demand occurrences during the simulation are determined.
This class represents a single Simulation Dock's status.
The dock model class is used to store the central model of the simulation docks.
Helper class to actually perform a simulation run using desmo-j
Represents a failure-on-demand occurrence during the simulation.
The class defines a tab, where the specific characteristics for the simulation can be set.
Context for forked behaviours
Base class for ForkBehaviours.
Helper to execute a fork action in the PCM.
Function library of functions available in stoex in simucom
Gamma distribution with shape alpha > 0 and scale parameter theta > 0 There is another way to write the gamma function with k = alpha or rate parameter beta = 1/theta,
Gamma distribution with shape alpha > 0 and inverse scale parameter beta > 0 There is another way to write the gamma function with k = alpha and theta = 1/beta,
The tab in the rerun simulation configuration that shows the generated project and its models used.
Provides a simple implementation of the interface based on HashMap.
Active resource representing a HDD resource with separate processing rate for write and read speed in Bytes.
Through the IAssemblyAllocationLookup interface it is possible to access the current allocations of assembly contexts to resource containers.
Interface of a class which creates or changes model elements.
Extension of the Workload Driver Interface with capabilities to stop a workload driver from executing a usage scenario.
Interface callable for a builder after running its build method to retrieve the created objects
Interface for factories creating closed workload users.
TODO currently, the simucontroller.debug package is exported.
Interface for functions available in stochastic expression evaluation, like Norm, Trunc, etc.
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which adds dummy components on both sides doing nothing else than delegating the call to the next component in the chain
Interface for factories used to instanciate simulated resources in a execution environment
Interface of AbstractScheduledResources to add and remove DemandModifyingBehaviors.
Interface which encapsulates a behaviour.
ISimulatedModelEntityAccess<ModelEntity extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier,SimulatedModelEntityType>
Through the ISimulatedModelEntityAccess interface it is possible to access the current simulation entity responsible for a particular entity of the model.
Control interface for simulation frameworks.
Interface for observers interested in the progress of the simulation
Interface implemented by all users.
Interface for factories creating users, aka as Borg maturation chambers.
Interface for all workload drivers.
Generates a BasicComponent which determines and loads the underlying network resource with the message's size of the message to transmit.
Lognormal distribution with parameters scale parameter mu and shape parameter sigma > 0.
Lognormal distribution from the distributions moments: Parameters mean and standard deviation.
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which adds the impact of marshalling parameters
Calculates the maximal of a value and given absolute and relative deviations.
Implements the maximum function as in @linkMath, e.g.
Stop condition for the maximum amount of measurements on SimuCom's main response time sensor.
Calculates the minimum of a value and given absolute and relative deviations.
Implements the minimum function as in @linkMath, e.g.
Generates a BasicComponent which determines and loads the underlying network resource with the message's size of the message to transmit.
Helper class for basic type conversions
Implementation of the workload driver interface for open workloads
Base class for open workload users.
A factory for creating open workload users
Implementation of an InnerConnectorCompletionBuilder which calls a process service on the client side, forwards the message, calls deprocess on the server side, and does the same in reverse order for the reply
A representation of the model object 'Passive Resource'.
An implementation of the model object 'Passive Resource'.
This event indicates a timeout of a process waiting at a passive resource.
Visitor to visit probfunctions and evaluate them to return a sample
Visitor to evaluate stoex.
A cache for Probability Functions.
A representation of the model object 'Process'.
An implementation of the model object 'Process'.
This class represents a specific project de.uka.ipd.sdq.simucom.rerunsimulation.filter for file choosers.
Factory class to create @see Calculators used in a SimuCom simulation run.
This class provides auxiliary functionality for capturing reliability-relevant sensor data during the simulation.
This tab is basically the same tab as SimuComConfigurationTab.
Configuration class for the rerun simulation plug-in.
Starts the RerunSimulaionWorkflowLauncher instead of the workflow launcher that is started in the superclass
Every job that is needed for rerunning a simulation is added in this class
The tab group for the rerun simulation
This class creates the RerunSimulationJob which is needed for rerunning the simulation without having to delete the original data
Represents a failure of an AbstractScheduledResource.
Central registry for simulated resources (resource containers, linking resources).
Represents a repair of an AbstractScheduledResource after a failure.
Simulates a simple passive resource.
The class defines a tab, which is responsible for the SimuCom configuration.
Context of each thread in SimuCom simulation.
SimuComDefaultRandomNumberGenerator generates random numbers in a separate thread.
Provides an abstract class for which an implementation has to be provided by a SimuCom extension.
Factory for creating simulation objects.
Main job for the SDQ workflow engine which will run a SimuComSimulation
Central simulation class needed by desmoj.
Class for the SimuCom Project Nature.
A representation of the model object 'Simu Com Status'.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
An implementation of the model object 'Simu Com Status'.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Builder for SimuComJobs.
The class adapts defined functionality in the AbstractMDSDLaunchConfigurationDelegate for SimuCom Framework.
The class extends ConfigurationTab by CheckBox.
The class is used for the administration the images stored in the Plug-In.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
Realizes a LinkingResource.
TODO Add original author
A representation of the model object 'Simulated Processes '.
An implementation of the model object ' Simulated Processes'.
TODO Get rid of heavy argument passing.
A representation of the model object 'Simulated Resources '.
An implementation of the model object ' Simulated Resources'.
A simulated stack used by simulation threads to store their local variables during their execution
An implementation of the IDebugListener interface that...
Class to support SimuCom debugging interactions
Initialises the preferences for SimulationPreferencePage.
The preference page for the abstract simulation engine.
Status enum signaling simulation success or failure
Helper class for the extension point de.uka.ipd.sdq.codegen.simucontroller.simulator ("Palladio Simulator").
The class defines tabs for the SimuBench Launch configuration menu.
StackContext is the parent of all contexts.
A cache for Stoex.
Measures a point in time metric (in seconds) by requesting the current simulation time from the simulation controller (observed state object).
Probes the number of resource containers within a resource environment.
Measures a passive resource state metric (dimensionless) by calculating the difference between the capacity of the passive resource (observed state object) and its available resources.
Measures a resource demand metric (in seconds) by listening to demands to a scheduled resource (event source type).
Measures a CPU state metric (dimensionless) by requesting the queue length from the scheduled CPU resource (observed state object).
Measures the CPU utilization (dimensionless) by requesting the queue length from the scheduled CPU resource (observed state object) for all cores normalized by the number of cores.
Installs a Plug-In from the specified location string with use a bundles context.The context is used to grant access to other methods so that this bundle can interact with the Framework.
Start the Workflow-Engine of oAW - Generator
Modes for evaluating stochastic expressions.
A representation of the model object 'Wait For Acquire'.
An implementation of the model object 'Wait For Acquire'.
A representation of the model object 'Wait For Delay'.
An implementation of the model object 'Wait For Delay'.
A representation of the model object 'Wait For Demand'.
An implementation of the model object 'Wait For Demand'.
Start the Workflow-Engine of oAW - Generator
Start the Workflow-Engine of oAW - Generator.