Class NetworkLoadingComponentBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IBuilder, IComponentBuilder

    public class NetworkLoadingComponentBuilder
    extends BasicComponentBuilder
    Generates a BasicComponent which determines and loads the underlying network resource with the message's size of the message to transmit. Respects both requesting service and returning from service. Assumes that the message size is contained in the variable stream.BYTESIZE.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NetworkLoadingComponentBuilder

        public NetworkLoadingComponentBuilder​(PCMAndCompletionModelHolder models,
                                              org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.OperationInterface interf,
                                              org.palladiosimulator.pcm.resourceenvironment.LinkingResource linkingRes)
        Constructor of the network load simulator component
        models - Container for the PCM model instance to modify
        interf - Interface of the component, used to delgate the method calls to its target
        linkingRes - The linking resource on which the load is created