Class ProbFunctionCache

  • public class ProbFunctionCache
    extends Object
    A cache for Probability Functions. This saves the time to calculate the inverse commulative distribution function every time again
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProbFunctionCache

        public ProbFunctionCache​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.stoex.Expression ex)
        Initialise the probfunctition cache for all probfunctions in the given expression. A visitor is used to search for and cache all probfuntions
        ex - The stoex to analyse
    • Method Detail

      • getProbFunction

        public de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction.math.IProbabilityFunction getProbFunction​(EObject e)
        Return the cached probfuntion for partial expression e
        e - SubExpession which has to be a probfunction literal for which to query the cache
        Cached probfunction