Class JarBuilder

  • public class JarBuilder
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • JarBuilder

        public JarBuilder​(File file)
                   throws IOException
        Creates a file file without a manifest
        file - the file to write the jar to
        IOException - thrown if the file cannot be opened for writing
      • JarBuilder

        public JarBuilder​(File jar,
                          File manifest)
                   throws IOException
        Creates an empty jar file with the given manifest
        jar - the file to write the jar to
        manifest - the file that is the manifest for the archive
        IOException - thrown if either file cannot be opened for reading
      • JarBuilder

        public JarBuilder​(File jar,
                          Manifest manifest)
        Creates an empty jar file with the given manifest
        jar - the file to write the jar to
        manifest - the manifest file for the jar
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • addFile

        public void addFile​(File file,
                            String parent,
                            String fileName)
                     throws IOException
        Adds the file to the given path and name
        file - the file to be added
        parent - the directory to the path in which the file is to be added
        fileName - the name of the file in the archive
      • addDirectoryRecursive

        public void addDirectoryRecursive​(File dir,
                                          String parent)
        Add the directory into the directory specified by parent
        dir - the directory to add
        parent - the path inside the jar that the directory should be added to
      • addDirectoryRecursive

        public void addDirectoryRecursive​(File dir,
                                          String parent,
                                          FileFilter filter)
        Add the directory into the directory specified by parent
        dir - the directory to add
        parent - the path inside the jar that the directory should be added to
        filter - the filter used to filter the files
      • makeDirectory

        public boolean makeDirectory​(String parent,
                                     String dirName)
        Makes a directory in the jar file
        parent - The name of the parent that the directory is to be created in
        dirName - The name of the directory to be created
        Returns true on success, false on failure