Package de.uka.ipd.sdq.codegen.simucontroller.runconfig
package de.uka.ipd.sdq.codegen.simucontroller.runconfig
ClassDescriptionThe class defines a tab, where the specific characteristics for the simulation can be set.The class defines a tab, which is responsible for the SimuCom configuration.Provides an abstract class for which an implementation has to be provided by a SimuCom extension.Class for the SimuCom Project Nature.Builder for SimuComJobs.The class adapts defined functionality in the AbstractMDSDLaunchConfigurationDelegate for SimuCom Framework.The class extends ConfigurationTab by CheckBox.Helper class for the extension point de.uka.ipd.sdq.codegen.simucontroller.simulator ("Palladio Simulator").The class defines tabs for the SimuBench Launch configuration menu.