Class Context

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Context extends StackContext
Context of each simulation thread. This context inherits a stack context and enriches it with information on the simulated execution environment.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Context

      public Context(SimuComModel myModel, resourceTableManager)
      Initialise a new context for the given simulation model
      myModel - The simulation model used in this context
  • Method Details

    • getResourceTableManager

      public getResourceTableManager()
    • getSessionId

      public long getSessionId()
    • findResource

      public AbstractSimulatedResourceContainer findResource(String assemblyContextID)
      Lookup method to find the resource container in which the given components assembly context is deployed
      assemblyContextID - The ID of the assembly context for which its deployment is queried
      The resource container in which the given assembly context is deployed
    • findLinkingResource

      public SimulatedLinkingResourceContainer findLinkingResource(String linkingResourceContainerID)
      Lookup method to find the linking resource container that belongs to the given container id.
      linkingResourceContainerID - the container id
      the linking resource container
    • getAssemblyAllocationLookup

      public abstract IAssemblyAllocationLookup<AbstractSimulatedResourceContainer> getAssemblyAllocationLookup()
      The lookup allows to find the suitable simulation entity of the ResourceContainer to which an AssemblyContext is deployed to. Subclasses need to provide the concrete implementation of the lookup mechanism.
      the AssemblyContext allocation lookup
    • getSimulatedResourceContainerAccess

      public ISimulatedModelEntityAccess<org.palladiosimulator.pcm.resourceenvironment.ResourceContainer,AbstractSimulatedResourceContainer> getSimulatedResourceContainerAccess()
      Provides access to simulation entities of resource containers based on their model entities.
      the access facade to simulated resource containers.
    • getThread

      public SimuComSimProcess getThread()
    • setSimProcess

      public void setSimProcess(SimuComSimProcess process)
    • getModel

      public SimuComModel getModel()