Package de.uka.ipd.sdq.simucomframework.resources
package de.uka.ipd.sdq.simucomframework.resources
ClassDescriptionBase class of all resources which have their own scheduler, i.e., active resources in the PCM.Base class for simulated resource container.Offers static methods to setup different types of calculators for resources like
.A DemandModifyingBehavior has a scalingFactor for the throughput or processingrate of the resource and a value for the delay or latency.HashMapAssemblyAllocationLookup<AllocationType>Provides a simple implementation of the interface based on HashMap.Active resource representing a HDD resource with separate processing rate for write and read speed in Bytes.IAssemblyAllocationLookup<AllocationType>Through the IAssemblyAllocationLookup interface it is possible to access the current allocations of assembly contexts to resource containers.Interface for factories used to instanciate simulated resources in a execution environmentInterface of AbstractScheduledResources to add and remove DemandModifyingBehaviors.ISimulatedModelEntityAccess<ModelEntity extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier,SimulatedModelEntityType> Through the ISimulatedModelEntityAccess interface it is possible to access the current simulation entity responsible for a particular entity of the model.This event indicates a timeout of a process waiting at a passive resource.Represents a failure of an AbstractScheduledResource.Represents a repair of an AbstractScheduledResource after a failure.Simulates a simple passive resource.Realizes a LinkingResource.TODO Add original authorTODO Get rid of heavy argument passing.