Class EndReconfigurationEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • EndReconfigurationEvent

        public EndReconfigurationEvent​(EventResult result,
                                       double simulationTime)
        Initializes a new instance with the given parameters.
        result - An EventType constant to denote the result of the reconfiguration.
        simulationTime - A double to denote the simulation time.
      • EndReconfigurationEvent

        public EndReconfigurationEvent​(EventResult result,
                                       de.uka.ipd.sdq.simulation.abstractsimengine.ISimulationControl simulationControl)
        Initializes a new instance with the given parameters.
        result - An EventType constant to denote the result of the reconfiguration.
        simulationControl - The ISimulationControl that is used in the current simulation run.
        NullPointerException - In case the given simulationControl is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getReconfigurationEventResult

        public EventResult getReconfigurationEventResult()
        Gets the result of the finished reconfiguration event.
        An EventType constant which the result of the reconfiguration.