Class StereotypeApplicationListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • StereotypeApplicationListener

        public StereotypeApplicationListener​(Set<String> currentIds)
    • Method Detail

      • resourceChanged

        public void resourceChanged​(IResourceChangeEvent event)
        Responding to the change of a resource. In this case we find all the profile application files concerning measuring point stereotypes. We create a measuring point per measuring point stereotype application.
        Specified by:
        resourceChanged in interface IResourceChangeListener
      • createMeasuringPoint

        public void createMeasuringPoint​(String resourceURI)
                                  throws IOException
        Creating a ResourceURIMeasuringPoint file with the specified file name and the resourceURI of the element for which we want to create a measuring point.
        fileName - name of the file to created that represents the measuring point.
        resourceURI - resourceURI of the element for which we create a measuring point.
        IOException - indicates that there was a problem with saving the resource.