Class ExampleWizardSupport

  • public class ExampleWizardSupport
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExampleWizardSupport

        public ExampleWizardSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • createProject

        public static IProject createProject​(String projectName,
                                             URI location,
                                             String archivePath)
        For this marvelous project we need to: - create the default Eclipse project - add the custom project nature - create the folder structure
        projectName -
        location -
      • modifyLaunchConfigurationAttributeValues

        public static void modifyLaunchConfigurationAttributeValues​(List<String> attributesKeys,
                                                                    String stringToReplace,
                                                                    String stringThatReplaces,
                                                                    ILaunchConfiguration readOnlyLaunchConfiguration,
                                                                    ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy writableLaunchConfiguration)
                                                             throws CoreException
        The method changes the values of the launch configuration attributes. It does string replacement. For the value of every attribute referred by attributeKeys it replaces stringToReplace by stringThatReplaces.
        attributesKeys - keys of attributes to modify.
        stringToReplace - string that will be replaced in the values of attributes referred by attributesKeys.
        stringThatReplaces - string that replaces the stringToReplace.
        readOnlyLaunchConfiguration - launchConfiguration that will be modified.
        writableLaunchConfiguration - writable version of the readOnlyLaunchConfiguration.
        CoreException - The exception thrown in case of problems with handling the launch configuration.