Class EMFPackageBasedInterpreterFacade

    • Method Detail

      • submit

        public InterpreterResult submit​(EntityReference<?> object)
        Description copied from interface: InterpreterFacade
        Submit the referenced entity for interpretation. The entity will be resolved against the default PCM blackboard partition. This method should be preferred, as it checks, whether the entity is still resolvable or has been removed between submission and start of interpretation. The call will return, once the interpretation has finished.
        Specified by:
        submit in interface InterpreterFacade
        object - the reference to the model element to interpret.
      • submit

        public InterpreterResult submit​(EObject object)
        Description copied from interface: InterpreterFacade
        Submit the given object for interpretation. The call will return, once the interpretation has finished. If the model element is contained in the blackboard, InterpreterFacade.submit(EntityReference) should be preferred, as it checks, whether the entity is still resolvable or has been removed between submission and start of interpretation.
        Specified by:
        submit in interface InterpreterFacade
        object - the model element to interpret