Class PCMPartitionManager

  • public class PCMPartitionManager
    extends Object
    The class manages all the models that are required during simulation. This includes querying for specific models as well as observing and handling model changes.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static interface  PCMPartitionManager.Global
      The Global annotation should be used to reference to the global PCMResourceSet partition for constructor injection.
      static interface  PCMPartitionManager.Local
      The Local annotation should be used to reference to the PCMResourceSet partition of the current interpretation scope for constructor injection.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      PCMPartitionManager​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.mdsd.blackboard.MDSDBlackboard blackboard, SimuLizarWorkflowConfiguration config)
      The constructor initializes the blackboard, which is the primary source to manage, makes copies of the current PCM related mode, which may be changed by reconfigurations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PCMPartitionManager

        public PCMPartitionManager​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.mdsd.blackboard.MDSDBlackboard blackboard,
                                   SimuLizarWorkflowConfiguration config)
        The constructor initializes the blackboard, which is the primary source to manage, makes copies of the current PCM related mode, which may be changed by reconfigurations. Moreover, a runtime measurement model is created and temporarily persisted (this is necessary for keeping it in the blackboard) until simulation is done.
        blackboard - The workflow engine's blackboard holding all models.
        config - SimuLizar workflow configuration object.
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize()
      • getGlobalPCMModel

        public org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.blackboard.PCMResourceSetPartition getGlobalPCMModel()
        the global PCM modeling partition. The global PCM model is the primary model under change, e.g., whenever a reconfiguration is triggered, and is observed during simulation.
      • getLocalPCMModel

        public org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.blackboard.PCMResourceSetPartition getLocalPCMModel()
        a copy of the global PCM modeling partition. The local PCM model represents an up-to-date snapshot of the global PCM model that captures the latest changes made in the global PCM model.
      • startObservingPcmChanges

        public void startObservingPcmChanges()
        Calling this method has the current instance observe the PCMResourceSetPartition in order to keep track of model changes.
        See Also:
        getGlobalPCMModel(), stopObservingPcmChanges()
      • findModel

        public <T extends EObject> T findModel​(EClass targetType)
        Enables to query the blackboard for a specific model that has been stored.
        targetType - Corresponds to the EClass of the target model to be searched for.
        the model to search for or null if the model was not found.
      • getBlackboard

        public de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.mdsd.blackboard.MDSDBlackboard getBlackboard()
        the blackboard that contains the global PCM partition.