Class LoopingUsageEvolver

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LoopingUsageEvolver extends PeriodicallyTriggeredUsageEvolver
Looping usage evolver. Assumes that the time unit of the DLIM sequence and simulation are equivalent. Repeats the DLIM sequence once its end has been reached.
  • Constructor Details

    • LoopingUsageEvolver

      @AssistedInject public LoopingUsageEvolver(@Assisted double firstOccurrence, @Assisted double delay, @Assisted double simulationTimeOffset, @Assisted EntityReference<org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.UsageScenario> evolvedScenario, org.palladiosimulator.analyzer.workflow.core.blackboard.PCMResourceSetPartition pcmPartition, de.uka.ipd.sdq.simulation.abstractsimengine.ISimEventFactory simEventFactory, de.uka.ipd.sdq.simulation.abstractsimengine.ISimulationTimeProvider timeProvider)
      Constructs the looping usage evolver.
      rtState - SimuLizar runtime state.
      firstOccurrence - First point in time at which the evolver should evolve the load.
      delay - The interval in which the evolver should evolve the load.
      evolvedScenario - The evolved scenario.
      simulationTimeOffset -
  • Method Details

    • getNewRate

      protected double getNewRate(tools.descartes.dlim.generator.ModelEvaluator evaluator)
      Description copied from class: PeriodicallyTriggeredUsageEvolver
      Get the new rate of the Usage or workload parameter characterization.
      Specified by:
      getNewRate in class PeriodicallyTriggeredUsageEvolver
      evaluator - The DLIM evaluator used for the evaluation.
      The new Usage or workload parameter characterization.