Class AbstractRecordingProbeFrameworkListenerDecorator

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRecordingProbeFrameworkListenerDecorator

        public AbstractRecordingProbeFrameworkListenerDecorator()
    • Method Detail

      • setProbeFrameworkListener

        public void setProbeFrameworkListener​(AbstractProbeFrameworkListener probeFrameworkListener)
        Injects the probe framework listener that is decorated by this class.
        probeFrameworkListener - The ProbeFrameworkListener used during the current simulation run.
      • registerMeasurements

        public void registerMeasurements()
        Registers additional measurements to be observed/stored by the probe framework listener.
        This method is called by the ProbeFrameworkListener in order to have additional measurements attached.
      • instantiateRecorder

        protected org.palladiosimulator.recorderframework.IRecorder instantiateRecorder​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.simucomframework.SimuComConfig config)
        Method to instantiate an IRecorder used for the recording of the measurements. This method is called within initializeRecorder(Map) to the initialization of the created recorder.
        config - The SimuComConfig which contains the configuration of the current simulation run.
        This default implementation returns the result of
        RecorderExtensionHelper.instantiateRecorderImplementationForRecorder(config.getRecorderName()); .
      • createRecorderConfiguration

        protected org.palladiosimulator.recorderframework.config.IRecorderConfiguration createRecorderConfiguration​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.simucomframework.SimuComConfig config,
                                                                                                                    Map<String,​Object> recorderConfigMap)
        Method to obtain an IRecorderConfiguration used for the recording of the measurements. This method is called within initializeRecorder(Map) to initialize the created recorder after it has been instantiated.
        config - The SimuComConfig which contains the configuration of the current simulation run.
        recorderConfigMap - A Map with the configuration attributes.
        This default implementation returns the result of
        config.getRecorderConfigurationFactory().createRecorderConfiguration(recorderConfigMap); .
      • registerMeasurementsRecorder

        protected void registerMeasurementsRecorder​(org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.listener.MeasurementSource measurementSource,
                                                    org.palladiosimulator.recorderframework.IRecorder recorder)
        Registers the given recorder at the given measurement source, i.e., adds it to the list of observers.
        measurementSource - The MeasurementSource whose measurements shall be recorded.
        recorder - The IRecorder to record new measurements produced by the given source.
      • createRecorderConfigMapWithAcceptedMetricAndMeasuringPoint

        public static Map<String,​Object> createRecorderConfigMapWithAcceptedMetricAndMeasuringPoint​(org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription recorderAcceptedMetric,
                                                                                                          org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint measuringPoint)
        Convenience method to create a recorder configuration map which has the AbstractRecorderConfiguration.RECORDER_ACCEPTED_METRIC attribute (key) set to the given metric description and the AbstractRecorderConfiguration.MEASURING_POINT attribute (key) set to the given measuring point.
        recorderAcceptedMetric - The MetricDescription to be put in the map.
        measuringPoint - The MeasuringPoint to be put in the map.
        A recorder configuration Map initialized as described.
        See Also: