Package org.palladiosimulator.solver
Class DependencySolver
TODO: It seems that this class is never used, and the functionality expected here is implemented elsewhere.
The DependencySolver (DS) is a tool to substitute parameter names inside PCM
stochastic expressions with characterisations originating from the usage
model. In the usage model, the domain expert has to specify a variable
characterisation (e.g., a constant or probability distribution) for each
RequiredCharacterisation specified by component developers in Interfaces (see
Chapter 4.1.4 of Heiko's dissertation).
The DS propagates these characterisations through all elements of a PCM
instance and inserts them into guard specifications, parametric loop
iterations, parametric resource demands, and parameter usages specified by
the component developer. Then, it solves the resulting stochastic
expressions, so that they become constant values or probability
distributions, and stores them, so that they can be used for a transformation
into a performance model.
The subsection on the dependencySolver in Heiko's dissertation first
describes the expected input and produced output of the DS. Then, it
describes the traversal of PCM instances, which depends on the evaluated
parameter characterisations. Finally, it shows the process of solving
dependencies, before giving an example.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction.math.IProbabilityFunctionFactory
Constructor Summary
(Properties config) DependencySolver
(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) -
Method Summary
Field Details
protected de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction.math.IProbabilityFunctionFactory iProbFuncFactory
Constructor Details
Method Details
- Parameters: