Class PCMSolver


public class PCMSolver extends Object
The central class that controls the PCM Solver process when launched from the eclipse UI. This class is deprecated by now (?).
  • Constructor Details

    • PCMSolver

      public PCMSolver(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean reliability)
      The constructor. Configures the PCM Solver process according to the launch configuration defined by the user.
      configuration - the launch configuration
      monitor - the progress monitor
      reliability - enables reliability analysis
    • PCMSolver

      public PCMSolver(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
      The constructor with default value for reliability (FALSE). This constructor is maintained for being downwards compatible with the former PCM Solver version, which did not support reliability analysis.
      configuration - the launch configuration
      monitor - the progress monitor
  • Method Details

    • getConsole

      public static MessageConsole getConsole()
      Retrieves the PCM Solver console.
      the PCM Solver console
    • execute

      public void execute()
      Executes the PCM Solver process.
    • getStrategy

      public SolverStrategy getStrategy()