BranchProbability |
A representation of the model object 'Branch Probability
ComputedUsage |
A representation of the model object 'Computed Usage'.
ComputedUsageContext |
A representation of the model object 'Context'.
ComputedUsageFactory |
The Factory for the model.
ComputedUsagePackage |
The Package for the model.
ComputedUsagePackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
ExternalCallInput |
A representation of the model object 'External Call Input
ExternalCallOutput |
A representation of the model object '
External Call Output'.
Input |
A representation of the model object 'Input'.
LoopIteration |
A representation of the model object 'Loop Iteration'.
Output |
A representation of the model object 'Output'.