Interface ExpressionPackage.Literals

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface ExpressionPackage.Literals
    Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
    • each class,
    • each feature of each class,
    • each enum,
    • and each data type
    Generated class or method.
    • Field Detail

      • SYMBOL__NAME

        static final EAttribute SYMBOL__NAME
        The meta object literal for the 'Name' attribute feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference SYMBOL__RESOURCE_USAGES
        The meta object literal for the 'Resource Usages' containment reference list feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference SEQUENCE__LEFT_REG_EXP
        The meta object literal for the 'Left Reg Exp' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference SEQUENCE__RIGHT_REG_EXP
        The meta object literal for the 'Right Reg Exp' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference RELEASE__RESOURCE
        The meta object literal for the 'Resource' reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference PARALLEL__LEFT_TASK
        The meta object literal for the 'Left Task' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference PARALLEL__RIGHT_TASK
        The meta object literal for the 'Right Task' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EAttribute OPTION__PROBABILITY
        The meta object literal for the 'Probability' attribute feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference OPTION__REGEXP
        The meta object literal for the 'Regexp' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.
      • LOOP__REG_EXP

        static final EReference LOOP__REG_EXP
        The meta object literal for the 'Reg Exp' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference LOOP__ITERATIONS_PMF
        The meta object literal for the 'Iterations PMF' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EAttribute LOOP__ITERATIONS_STRING
        The meta object literal for the 'Iterations String' attribute feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference ALTERNATIVE__LEFT_OPTION
        The meta object literal for the 'Left Option' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference ALTERNATIVE__RIGHT_OPTION
        The meta object literal for the 'Right Option' containment reference feature.
        Generated class or method.

        static final EReference ACQUIRE__RESOURCE
        The meta object literal for the 'Resource' reference feature.
        Generated class or method.