Interface Parallel

    • Method Detail

      • getLeftTask

        Expression getLeftTask()
        Returns the value of the 'Left Task' containment reference.

        If the meaning of the 'Left Task' containment reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

        the value of the 'Left Task' containment reference.
        See Also:
        setLeftTask(Expression), ExpressionPackage.getParallel_LeftTask()
        Generated class or method.
        EMF model class or method.
      • setLeftTask

        void setLeftTask​(Expression value)
        Sets the value of the ' Left Task' containment reference.
        value - the new value of the 'Left Task' containment reference.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.
      • getRightTask

        Expression getRightTask()
        Returns the value of the 'Right Task' containment reference.

        If the meaning of the 'Right Task' containment reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

        the value of the 'Right Task' containment reference.
        See Also:
        setRightTask(Expression), ExpressionPackage.getParallel_RightTask()
        Generated class or method.
        EMF model class or method.
      • setRightTask

        void setRightTask​(Expression value)
        Sets the value of the ' Right Task ' containment reference.
        value - the new value of the 'Right Task' containment reference.
        See Also:
        Generated class or method.