Class LqnXmlHandler

  • public class LqnXmlHandler
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LqnXmlHandler

        public LqnXmlHandler​(LqnModelType anLqnModel)
    • Method Detail

      • createInitialModel

        protected EObject createInitialModel()
        copied from org.palladiosimulator.solver.lqn.presentation.LqnModelWizard
      • saveModelToXMI

        public void saveModelToXMI​(String fileName)
      • loadModelFromXMI

        public static LqnModelType loadModelFromXMI​(String fileName)
        Restores the corresponding Ecore model, previously serialized via saveModelToXMI(String).
        fileName -
        A representation of the model object 'LQN Model Type'; null if the file don't exists or when there were problems reading the file.
      • fixXMLFile

        public static void fixXMLFile​(String filename)
        Fix encoding line (fix proposed by Greg Franks for LINE solver, not clear whether still needed).
        filename -