Class LineServerHandler

  • public class LineServerHandler
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LineServerHandler

        public LineServerHandler​(String properyFile)
        Handler for all interactions with an instance of LINE
        properyFile -
    • Method Detail

      • closeConnections

        public void closeConnections()
        Closes the connection with the server
      • connectToLINEServer

        public void connectToLINEServer()
        Connects to LINE server, if no instance of line server is found then a new one is launched
      • isSolved

        public boolean isSolved​(String modelFile)
        checks if the model submitted with the specified modelFile has been solved.
        modelFile -
      • launchLine

        public boolean launchLine()
        Launches a new instance of line
      • solve

        public void solve​(String modelFilePath,
                          String REfilePath)
        solves a LQN model
        modelFilePath -
        REfilePath - - path to a random environment to apply to the model
      • terminateLine

        public void terminateLine()
        Closes connections to an instance of LINE and, if the instance is local it terminates
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear the handler from events of previous evaluations