Class LqnBuilder

  • public class LqnBuilder
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LqnBuilder

        public LqnBuilder​(boolean isInfTask)
    • Method Detail

      • addProcessor

        public ProcessorType addProcessor​(String id)
        Creates a new processor if no processor with the given id exists yet. Otherwise, returns the matching existing processor. See getProcessorTypeFromModel(String) for how to match the id.
        id -
      • addSemaphoreTask

        public TaskType addSemaphoreTask​(String id,
                                         ProcessorType pt,
                                         int capacity)
        Checks whether the passed ProcessorType contains a task. If yes, the first task is returned. If no, a new task is created and added to the processor. Two entries are created for the task if it is newly created: A wait entry and a signal entry. The entry ids are created using #getSignalEntryId(String) and #getWaitEntryId(String) (use these for accessing the entries, using the id of the passive resource). The multiplicity of the task are set to the passed capacity.
        id - The id of the PassiveResource
        pt -
        capacity - The PassiveResource's capacity
      • addTask

        public TaskType addTask​(String id,
                                ProcessorType pt)
        Checks whether the passed ProcessorType contains a task. If yes, the first task is returned. If no, a new task is created and added to the processor.
        id -
        pt -
      • addActivityMakingCall

        public ActivityMakingCallType addActivityMakingCall​(String callId,
                                                            String targetId,
                                                            org.palladiosimulator.solver.transformations.pcm2lqn.CallType callType)
        Add or reuse an activity making call with call means = 1.0
        callId -
        targetId -
        callType -
      • addActivityMakingCall

        public ActivityMakingCallType addActivityMakingCall​(String callId,
                                                            String targetId,
                                                            org.palladiosimulator.solver.transformations.pcm2lqn.CallType callType,
                                                            double callMeans)
        Add or reuse an activity making call
        callId -
        targetId -
        callType -
        callMeans -
      • addEndBranchPrecedence

        public PrecedenceType addEndBranchPrecedence()
      • getTaskForProcessor

        public TaskType getTaskForProcessor​(String processorId)
      • restoreFormerTaskActivityGraph

        public void restoreFormerTaskActivityGraph()
      • isLQSimAnalysis

        public boolean isLQSimAnalysis()
      • setIsLQSimAnalysis

        public void setIsLQSimAnalysis​(boolean isQLSim)
      • addActivityToPostAnd

        public void addActivityToPostAnd​(String startId,
                                         PrecedenceType ptBegin)
      • setPoolCapacity

        public void setPoolCapacity​(Integer poolCapacity)