CustomEdge |
Extension of DefaultEdge to get public access to getters.
DependencyCalculator |
Handles the assignment of provided objects to required objects.
DependencyCLI |
Command Line Interface for the dependency tool.
EmbeddedNeo4j |
The Class EmbeddedNeo4j.
FeatureXML |
Handling of feature.xml files.
GitHubAPIHandler |
Handler to interact with the GitHub API.
GraphicalRepresentation |
Holds a graph object constructed out of dependencies given in repository Objects.
ManifestHandler |
Handles parsing for files for all given bundles in the given repository.
ManifestMF |
Holds content of a file.
P2RepositoryReader |
Parser for P2Repositories.
PalladioConstants |
Palladio specific constants.
RepositoryObject |
An object holding all relevant information about the according repository.
Views |
Needed to use ObjectWriter.withView
Views.Dependency |
Views.Topology |