IBinomialDistribution |
IBoxedPDF |
A BoxedPDF is an approximation of an actual probability density function.
IChiSquareDistribution |
IContinousPDF |
IContinousPDFFactory |
IContinuousSample |
A ConinuousSample is used to describe the interfals in a BoxedPDF.
IDiscretePDF |
IDiscretePDFFactory |
IExponentialDistribution |
IGammaDistribution |
Gamma distribution with shape parameter alpha > 0 (also called k in Wikipedia) and scale
parameter theta > 0 (called lambda in umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdist.GammaDist).
ILognormalDistribution |
Lognormal distribution with parameters mu (scale parameter) and sigma (shape parameter) as
defined in umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdist.LognormalDist .
INormalDistribution |
IPDFFactory |
IPoissonDistribution |
IProbabilityDensityFunction |
In mathematics, a probability density function (pdf) serves to represent a probability
distribution in terms of integrals.
IProbabilityFunction |
A ProbabilityFunction describes a random variable.
IProbabilityFunctionFactory |
IProbabilityMassFunction |
A probability mass function (abbreviated pmf) gives the probability that a discrete random
variable is exactly equal to some value.
IRandomGenerator |
ISample |
Describes a sample of a probability mass function.
ISamplePDF |
For the implementation of the SamplePDF, we used a simplified version of probability density
functions to ease the following computations and analyses.
IStudentTDistribution |
IUniformDistribution |
IUniformIntDistribution |
IUnit |
A unit describes the scale unit of the Y and X axis of a function.