Class ExtensionHelper

  • public final class ExtensionHelper
    extends Object
    Helper class for coping with Eclipse extension points and extensions. TODO ExtensionHelper lacks advanced filtering options. Use Java 1.8 Lambda expressions. [Lehrig]
    • Method Detail

      • getAttributes

        public static List<String> getAttributes​(String extensionPointID,
                                                 String elementName,
                                                 String attributeName)
        Gets all attributes registered at a given extension point at a given element and conforming to a given attribute.
        extensionPointID - the extension point identifier; pointing to the extension point to get attributes from.
        elementName - the name of the configuration element.
        attributeName - the name of the attribute.
        a list of attributes conforming to the given parameters.
      • getExecutableExtensions

        public static <DATA_TYPE> List<DATA_TYPE> getExecutableExtensions​(String extensionPointID,
                                                                          String attributeName)
        Gets all executable extensions registered at a given extension point conforming to a given attribute.
        Type Parameters:
        DATA_TYPE - the data type of the executable extension.
        extensionPointID - the extension point identifier; pointing to the extension point to get executable extensions from.
        attributeName - the name of the attribute.
        list of executable extension for the given attribute.
      • getExecutableExtension

        public static <DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE getExecutableExtension​(String extensionPointID,
                                                                   String attributeName,
                                                                   String filterAttributeName,
                                                                   String filterAttributeValue)
        Gets all executable extensions registered at a given extension point conforming to a given attribute and filtered by the given attribute and its value.
        Type Parameters:
        DATA_TYPE - the data type of the executable extension.
        extensionPointID - the extension point identifier; pointing to the extension point to get executable extensions from.
        attributeName - the name of the attribute.
        filterAttributeName - the attribute to be used for filtering.
        filterAttributeValue - the atrribute's value to be used for filtering. Found attributes have to equal this value in case they should be chosen.
        list of executable extension for the given attribute.
      • getExecutableExtensions

        public static <DATA_TYPE> List<DATA_TYPE> getExecutableExtensions​(String extensionPointID,
                                                                          String elementName,
                                                                          String attributeName)
        Gets all executable extensions registered at a given extension point at a given element and conforming to a given attribute.
        Type Parameters:
        DATA_TYPE - the data type of the executable extension.
        extensionPointID - the extension point identifier; pointing to the extension point to get executable extensions from.
        elementName - the name of the configuration element.
        attributeName - the name of the attribute.
        list of executable extension for the given attribute.
      • getExecutableExtension

        public static <DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE getExecutableExtension​(String extensionPointID,
                                                                   String elementName,
                                                                   String attributeName,
                                                                   String filterAttributeName,
                                                                   String filterAttributeValue)
        Gets an executable extension registered at a given extension point at a given element and conforming to a given attribute and filtered by the given attribute and its value.
        Type Parameters:
        DATA_TYPE - the data type of the executable extension.
        extensionPointID - the extension point identifier; pointing to the extension point to get executable extensions from.
        elementName - the name of the configuration element.
        attributeName - the name of the attribute.
        filterAttributeName - the attribute to be used for filtering.
        filterAttributeValue - the atrribute's value to be used for filtering. Found attributes have to equal this value in case they should be chosen.
        an executable extension matching to all selection criteria defined by this method's parameters.