Package de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction
package de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction
InterfacesClassDescriptionA representation of the model object 'Bool Sample'.A representation of the model object 'Boxed PDF'.A representation of the model object 'Complex'.A representation of the model object 'Continuous PDF'.A representation of the model object 'Continuous Sample'.A representation of the model object 'Double Sample'.A representation of the model object ' Exponential Distribution'.A representation of the model object 'Gamma Distribution '.A representation of the model object 'Int Sample'.A representation of the model object ' Lognormal Distribution'.A representation of the model object 'Normal Distribution '.A representation of the model object ' Probability Density Function'.A representation of the model object ' Probability Function'.A representation of the model object ' Probability Mass Function'.The Factory for the model.The Package for the model.Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data typeSample<T>A representation of the model object 'Sample'.A representation of the model object 'Sample PDF'.A representation of the model object 'String Sample'.