Package de.uka.ipd.sdq.stoex.analyser.operations

package de.uka.ipd.sdq.stoex.analyser.operations
  • Classes
    Implements the operation "addition" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the logical "AND" operation.
    Abstract class with interface for compare operations (e.g., equals, less, etc.).
    Implements the operation "division" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the operation "equals" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the operation "greater equals" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the operation "greater" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the operation "less equal" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the operation "less than" for different kinds of operands.
    Abstract class with interface for logical operations (AND, OR).
    Implements the operation "modulo" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the operation "multiplication" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the operation "not equals" for different kinds of operands.
    Implements the logical "OR" operation.
    Implements the operation "subtraction" for different kinds of operands.
    An interface for term (+,-) and product (*,/,%) operations.