Package de.uka.ipd.sdq.probfunction
Interface GammaDistribution
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
A representation of the model object 'Gamma Distribution
Gamma distribution with shape parameter alpha > 0 (also called k in
Wikipedia) and scale parameter theta > 0 (called lambda in
umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdist.GammaDist). The scale parameter theta is the inverse of the rate
beta which is also sometimes given to characterise a Gamma distribution.
The following features are supported:
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
Field Summary
Fields -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject
cdoConflict, cdoDirectResource, cdoHistory, cdoID, cdoInvalid, cdoLockState, cdoPermission, cdoPrefetch, cdoReadLock, cdoReload, cdoResource, cdoRevision, cdoRevision, cdoState, cdoView, cdoWriteLock, cdoWriteOption
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
Methods inherited from interface de.uka.ipd.sdq.units.UnitCarryingElement
getUnit, isSetUnit, unsetUnit
Field Details
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
Method Details
double getAlpha()Returns the value of the 'Alpha' attribute.If the meaning of the 'Alpha' attribute isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
Shape parameter- Returns:
- the value of the 'Alpha' attribute.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- required="true" ordered="false"
void setAlpha(double value) Sets the value of the 'Alpha
' attribute.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'Alpha' attribute.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
double getTheta()Returns the value of the 'Theta' attribute. Scale parameter, which is the inverse of the rate parameter beta which is also sometimes given to characterise a Gamma distribution.- Returns:
- the value of the 'Theta' attribute.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- required="true" ordered="false"
void setTheta(double value) Sets the value of the 'Theta
' attribute.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'Theta' attribute.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.