Interface ProbabilisticBranchTransition

All Superinterfaces:
AbstractBranchTransition, org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject,, Entity, EObject, de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier, NamedElement, Notifier, PCMBaseClass, PCMClass
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProbabilisticBranchTransition extends AbstractBranchTransition
A representation of the model object 'Probabilistic Branch Transition'. a GuardedBranchTransition, this transition provides a link between a BranchAction and a nested ResourceDemandingBehaviour, which includes the actions executed inside the branch. But instead of using a guard, it specifies a branching probability without parameter dependencies. Analysis tools may directly use it to determine the transition where the control flow continues. The probabilities of all ProbabilisticBranchTransitions belonging to a single BranchAction must sum up to 1.0. Although a probabilistic choice at a branch usually does not happen in a computer program, ProbabilisticBranchTransitions provide a convenient way of modelling in case the actual parameter dependency is too hard to determine or too complex to integrate into a guard. It can also be useful for newly designed components, where the parameter dependency on the control flow guard is still be unknown. However, this construct potentially introduces inaccuracies into the performance model, because it does not reflect the influence of input parameters. Therefore, predictions based on this model can be misleading, if the used input parameters would result in different branching probabilities. The component developer cannot foresee this, when specifying the RDSEFF using ProbabilisticBranchTransitions.

The following features are supported:

See Also:
Generated class or method.
EMF model class or method.