Package org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.impl
package org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.impl
ClassesClassDescriptionAn implementation of the model object 'Abstract Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Branch Transition'.An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Internal Control Flow Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Loop Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Acquire Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Branch Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Call Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Call Return Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Collection Iterator Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Emit Event Action'.An implementation of the model object 'External Call Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Fork Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Forked Behaviour'.An implementation of the model object 'Guarded Branch Transition'.An implementation of the model object 'Internal Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Internal Call Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Loop Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Probabilistic Branch Transition'.An implementation of the model object 'Release Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Resource Demanding Behaviour'.An implementation of the model object 'Resource Demanding Internal Behaviour'.An implementation of the model object 'Resource Demanding SEFF'.An implementation of the model Factory.An implementation of the model Package.An implementation of the model object 'Service Effect Specification'.An implementation of the model object 'Set Variable Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Start Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Stop Action'.An implementation of the model object 'Synchronisation Point'.