Package org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff
Interface ExternalCallAction
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface ExternalCallAction extends AbstractAction, CallReturnAction, FailureHandlingEntity
A representation of the model object 'External Call Action'. ExternalCallAction models the invocation of a service specified in a required interface. Therefore, it references a Role, from which the providing component can be derived, and a Signature to specify the called service. ExternalCallActions model synchronous calls to required services, i.e., the caller waits until the called service finishes execution before continuing execution itself. The PCM allows modelling asynchronous calls to required services by using an ExternalCallAction inside a ForkedBehaviour.
ExternalCallActions do not have resource demands by themselves. Component developers need to specify the resource demand of the called service in the RDSEFF of that service. The resource demand can also be calculated by analysing the providing component. This keeps the RDSEFF specification of different component developers independent from each other and makes them replaceable in an architectural model.
ExternalCallActions may contain two sets of VariableUsages specifying input parameter characterisations and output parameter characterisations respectively. VariableUsages for input parameters may only reference IN or INOUT parameters of the call's referenced signature. The random variable characterisation inside such a VariableUsage may be constants, probability distribution functions, or include a stochastic expression involving for example arithmetic operations. The latter models a dependency between the current service's own input parameters and the input parameters of the required service.The following features are supported:
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- annotation=" constraints='signatureBelongsToRole operationRequiredRoleMustBeReferencedByContainer'" annotation=" signatureBelongsToRole='self.role_ExternalService.requiredInterface__OperationRequiredRole.signatures__OperationInterface->includes(self.calledService_ExternalService)' operationRequiredRoleMustBeReferencedByContainer='self.oclAsType(ecore::EObject)->closure(eContainer())->select( entity | entity.oclIsKindOf(pcm::core::entity::InterfaceRequiringEntity)).oclAsType(pcm::core::entity::InterfaceRequiringEntity).requiredRoles_InterfaceRequiringEntity->includes(self.role_ExternalService)'"
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description OperationSignature
Returns the value of the 'Called Service External Service'
Returns the value of the 'Retry Count' attribute.OperationRequiredRole
Returns the value of the 'Role External Service' reference.void
setCalledService_ExternalService(OperationSignature value)
Sets the value of the 'Called Service External Service
' reference.void
setRetryCount(int value)
Sets the value of the 'Retry Count
' attribute.void
setRole_ExternalService(OperationRequiredRole value)
Sets the value of the 'Role External Service
' reference.-
Methods inherited from interface org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.AbstractAction
getPredecessor_AbstractAction, getResourceDemandingBehaviour_AbstractAction, getSuccessor_AbstractAction, setPredecessor_AbstractAction, setResourceDemandingBehaviour_AbstractAction, setSuccessor_AbstractAction
Methods inherited from interface org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.CallAction
Methods inherited from interface org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.CallReturnAction
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject
cdoConflict, cdoDirectResource, cdoHistory, cdoID, cdoInvalid, cdoLockState, cdoPermission, cdoPrefetch, cdoReadLock, cdoReload, cdoResource, cdoRevision, cdoRevision, cdoState, cdoView, cdoWriteLock, cdoWriteOption
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.seff_reliability.FailureHandlingEntity
Methods inherited from interface org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.NamedElement
getEntityName, setEntityName
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
Field Detail
static final String copyright
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
- Generated class or method.
Method Detail
OperationSignature getCalledService_ExternalService()
Returns the value of the 'Called Service External Service' reference.- Returns:
- the value of the 'Called Service External Service' reference.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- required="true" ordered="false"
void setCalledService_ExternalService(OperationSignature value)
Sets the value of the 'Called Service External Service
' reference.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'Called Service External Service' reference.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
OperationRequiredRole getRole_ExternalService()
Returns the value of the 'Role External Service' reference.- Returns:
- the value of the 'Role External Service' reference.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- required="true" ordered="false"
void setRole_ExternalService(OperationRequiredRole value)
Sets the value of the 'Role External Service
' reference.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'Role External Service' reference.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
int getRetryCount()
Returns the value of the 'Retry Count' attribute. Specifies the number of retries this ExternalCallAction shoul be re-executed in case of failure occurence.- Returns:
- the value of the 'Retry Count' attribute.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- required="true" ordered="false"
void setRetryCount(int value)
Sets the value of the 'Retry Count
' attribute.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'Retry Count' attribute.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.