Interface QoSAnnotations
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface QoSAnnotations extends Entity
A representation of the model object 'Qo SAnnotations'. QoSAnnotations allow software architects and performance analysts to annotate Quality of Service (QoS) attributes to services (i.e., signatures of an interface). It is important to note that these annotations are specified and not derived. Usually the PCM uses the internal specification of a components behaviour (i.e., its RD-SEFFs) to determine its QoS. However, in a mixed top down and bottom up approach as favoured by the PCM, software architects have to combine components whose internals are not yet known with fully specified components. QoSAnnotations provide a first perforamnce (or reliability) abstraction of the services offered by a component using the SpecifiedQoSAnnotation. They furthermore define the output parameters of the services without describing its internal behviour. Notes: - Should the association of QoSAnnotations to services not be in the class QoSAnnotation instead of SpecifiedQoSAnnotation and SpecifiedOutputParameterAbstraction separately?The following features are supported:
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- annotation=" constraints='multipleReliabilityAnnotationsPerExternalCallNotAllowed'" annotation=" multipleReliabilityAnnotationsPerExternalCallNotAllowed='self.specifiedQoSAnnotations_QoSAnnotations->select(oclIsTypeOf(pcm::qosannotations::qos_reliability::SpecifiedReliabilityAnnotation))->forAll( x, y | ( x<>y ) implies ( ( x.role_SpecifiedQoSAnnotation <> y.role_SpecifiedQoSAnnotation ) or ( x.signature_SpecifiedQoSAnnation <> y.signature_SpecifiedQoSAnnation ) ) )'"
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description EList<SpecifiedOutputParameterAbstraction>
Returns the value of the 'Specified Output Parameter Abstractions Qo SAnnotations' containment reference list.EList<SpecifiedQoSAnnotation>
Returns the value of the 'Specified Qo SAnnotations Qo SAnnotations' containment reference list.System
Returns the value of the 'System Qo SAnnotations' container reference.void
setSystem_QoSAnnotations(System value)
Sets the value of the 'System Qo SAnnotations
' container reference.-
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject
cdoConflict, cdoDirectResource, cdoHistory, cdoID, cdoInvalid, cdoLockState, cdoPermission, cdoPrefetch, cdoReadLock, cdoReload, cdoResource, cdoRevision, cdoRevision, cdoState, cdoView, cdoWriteLock, cdoWriteOption
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.NamedElement
getEntityName, setEntityName
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
Field Detail
static final String copyright
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
- Generated class or method.
Method Detail
EList<SpecifiedOutputParameterAbstraction> getSpecifiedOutputParameterAbstractions_QoSAnnotations()
Returns the value of the 'Specified Output Parameter Abstractions Qo SAnnotations' containment reference list. The list contents are of typeSpecifiedOutputParameterAbstraction
. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Qos Annotations Specified Output Parameter Abstraction
'.- Returns:
- the value of the 'Specified Output Parameter Abstractions Qo SAnnotations' containment reference list.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- opposite="qosAnnotations_SpecifiedOutputParameterAbstraction" containment="true" ordered="false"
System getSystem_QoSAnnotations()
Returns the value of the 'System Qo SAnnotations' container reference. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Qos Annotations System
'.- Returns:
- the value of the 'System Qo SAnnotations' container reference.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- opposite="qosAnnotations_System" required="true" transient="false" ordered="false"
void setSystem_QoSAnnotations(System value)
Sets the value of the 'System Qo SAnnotations
' container reference.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'System Qo SAnnotations' container reference.- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
EList<SpecifiedQoSAnnotation> getSpecifiedQoSAnnotations_QoSAnnotations()
Returns the value of the 'Specified Qo SAnnotations Qo SAnnotations' containment reference list. The list contents are of typeSpecifiedQoSAnnotation
. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Qos Annotations Specified Qo SAnnotation
'.- Returns:
- the value of the 'Specified Qo SAnnotations Qo SAnnotations' containment reference list.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
- EMF model class or method.
- opposite="qosAnnotations_SpecifiedQoSAnnotation" containment="true" ordered="false"