Interface EntryLevelSystemCall

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AbstractUserAction, org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject,, Entity, EObject, de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier, NamedElement, Notifier, PCMBaseClass, PCMClass
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EntryLevelSystemCall
    extends AbstractUserAction
    A representation of the model object 'Entry Level System Call'. An EntryLevelSystemCall models the call to a service provided by a system. Therefore, an EntryLevelSystemCall references a ProvidedRole of a PCM System, from which the called interface and the providing component within the system can be derived, and a Signature specifying the called service. Notice, that the usage model does not permit the domain expert to model calls directly to components, but only to system roles. (TODO: Add such a constraint.) This decouples the System structure (i.e., the component-based software architecture model and its allocation) from the UsageModel and the software architect can change the System (e.g., include new components, remove existing components, or change their wiring or allocation) independently from the domain expert, if the system provided roles are not affected. EntryLevelSystemCalls may include a set of input parameter characterisations and a set of output parameter characterisations (as described in the pcm::parameters package). However, the random variables characterising the input parameters like NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS can not depend on other variables in the usage model. They have to be composed from literals only including literals describing random variables having a certain fixed distribution. TODO Anne: Constraint that ensures that the referred signature is contained in the interface referenced by the ProvidedRole (see Diagram)

    The following features are supported:

    See Also:
    Generated class or method.
    EMF model class or method.
    annotation=" constraints='entryLevelSystemCallMustReferenceProvidedRoleOfASystem entryLevelSystemCallSignatureMustMatchItsProvidedRole'" annotation=" entryLevelSystemCallMustReferenceProvidedRoleOfASystem='self.providedRole_EntryLevelSystemCall.providingEntity_ProvidedRole.oclIsTypeOf(pcm::system::System)' entryLevelSystemCallSignatureMustMatchItsProvidedRole='self.providedRole_EntryLevelSystemCall.providedInterface__OperationProvidedRole.signatures__OperationInterface->includes(self.operationSignature__EntryLevelSystemCall)'"